A comprehensive examination of the way in which the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) is implemented and policed. CITES is one of the oldest international environmental agreements and has been responsible for some striking conservation successes. Meer
This text examines the international agreements governing trade in genetic resources - crucial resources for world agriculture, food security and large industries such as pharmaceuticals. Meer
In line with earlier editions, this book enables the student practitioner to learn the technique of advocacy by way of an analytical approach. Judge Michael Hyam believes that the principles of advocacy may be learnt by application and practice. Meer
Anyone practising in the criminal courts needs to have a sound grasp of both evidence and procedure. This text seeks to provide the criminal lawyer with access to the key points of these inter-related subjects. Meer
This book is the first extensive treatment of deathbed gifts in English law to be published. Such gifts are sometimes made by donors who, when facing impending death, transfer their property conditionally on death. Meer
Modern drug therapy remains one of the most successful interventions in individual patient treatment and the pharmacist, in contributing significant expertise in the delivery of that therapy, performs a fundamental role as a provider within the health care team. Meer
Offering a comment on the justification for sentences, this work refutes jurisprudential attacks on the propriety of mercy, and discusses the shortcomings of the Court of Appeal's approaches to consistency and other principles of sentencing. Meer
This practical guide examines the ways in which practitioners can challenge decisions of magistrates' courts in criminal proceedings. Interlocutory decisions such as bail and legal aid are included. Meer
Blackstones Landlord and Tenant Series breaks down the subject of landlord and tenant into the areas that come up most in practice. Each book in the series provides practical treatment of a particular subject. Meer
When a landlord terminates a lease prematurely, both the landlord and the tenant enter a legal minefield of complex and inconsistent rules - a dangerous zone created by the piecemeal development of tenancy laws. Meer
This book is a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between feminist theories and the law, and the way in which developments of the former have affected, and been affected by, the latter. Meer
This challenging book on jurisprudence begins by posing questions in the post-modern context,and then seeks to bridge the gap between our traditions and contemporary situation. Meer
This book incorporates many of the exciting debates in the social sciences and philosophy of knowledge concerning the issues of modernity and post-modernism. Meer