'Strategisch management van publieke organisaties' beoogt een bijdrage te leveren aan de categorie strategie en publieke organisaties, op basis van de strategische concepten die zijn ontwikkeld door Bob de Wit en Ron Meyer. Een essentieel onderdeel van deze concepten is dat problemen worden gedefinieerd als paradoxen.
Critical legal information for enhancing and expanding the activities of charitable fund–raisers
As the competition for gifts grows increasingly intense, managers and fund–raisers for charitable organizations must learn how to work with tax and business law to optimize their return. Meer
Ever heard of an internal entrepreneur? You might know the type. They re kind of employee who pushes mercilessly towards the trends of the future. Often looked at as a little bit outside the mainstream, more often than not the decisions this internal entrepreneur makes on behalf of an organization pay off in spades. Meer
A hands–on guide to the most pertinent and critical legal issues facing those who lead and manage tax–exempt colleges and universities
Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities is a practical, accessible guide to nonprofit law as it is specifically applicable to exempt colleges and universities, and their related entities, such as fundraising foundations, endowment funds, supporting organizations, for–profit subsidiaries, and limited liability companies. Meer
Fundraising Consultants offers step–by–step guidance and resources to help nonprofits in their decision to use consultants, revealing how to go about choosing the right one to get the job done. Meer
As not–for–profits must increasingly achieve greater results with less resources, they are continually seeking ways to use such scarce resources with more economy, with greater efficiency of processes and people within their organizations, and with increased effectiveness of results in order to further their missions. Meer
This second edition of the bestselling book offers a practical guide that both explores the interpersonal and organizational forces that inhibit collaboration and offers government and nonprofit leaders the tools to combat those forces. Meer
Winning techniques and strategies for nonprofits and government agencies in creating successful and critical key performance indicators
By exploring measures that have transformed businesses, David Parmenter has developed a methodology that is breathtaking in its simplicity and yet profound in its impact. Meer
Until very recently, popular belief held that business skills were not needed at charitable organizations. No longer. Far from interfering with an organization s ability to provide needed services, techniques such as marketing, cash flow analysis, property management, and good use of technology all contribute to a charitable organization s mission capability. Meer
While boards acknowledge they bear ultimate responsibility and accountability for their organizations′ affairs, governance quality is often far from optimal. Meer
Become a More Effective Manager–and Have More Fun Doing It
From the nonprofit world′s most beloved columnist come easy lessons on how to become a better, and happier, manager. Meer
Get comprehensive, detailed guidance on the tax law of unrelated businesses for tax–exempt organizations, written by the leading expert in the field The Tax Law of Unrelated Business for Nonprofit Organizations has everything you need to help you understand and interpret the general rules, modifications, and exceptions of the tax law of unrelated business for nonprofit organizations—including the unrelated debt–financed income rules, commercial activities, use of separate entities, and reporting requirements. Meer
A must–have guide that enables managers and trustees of private foundations, as well as their lawyers and accountants, to successfully navigate today′s increasingly complex tax laws and reporting requirements
Private foundations are the most regulated of nonprofit organizations. Meer
Das Buch unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Integration von Menschen mit Behinderung in den 1. Arbeitsmarkt. So versucht die Case Study ein Grundverständnis dafür zu schaffen, welche Herausforderungen das Management von Sozialunternehmen beinhaltet. Meer
Dieses praxisorientierte Buch zeigt auf, dass das Verständnis für die professionelle Organisation eines Vereins längst überfällig ist
Sie erfahren, wie ein Verein die neuen Medien wirksam und ressourcenschonend einsetzen kann. Meer
Dieses Buch versteht sich als praxisnaher Guide für (Online-)Fundraiser, die Online-Spendenaktionen in ihrer Organisation implementieren möchten oder bereits damit arbeiten und ihr Wissen erweitern möchten. Meer
Angesichts globaler Finanzprobleme und angespannter Staatshaushalte ist die Fähigkeit privater Philanthropie, zur Lösung öffentlicher Probleme beizutragen – und auch lebenswichtige private Einrichtungen zu unterstützen –, vielleicht noch nie so wichtig gewesen wie heute. Meer
Dieses Fachbuch zeigt Ihnen, wie Organisationen der öffentlichen Verwaltung den digitalen Wandel erfolgreich meistern
Behörden und öffentliche Einrichtungen stehen vor der Herausforderung, ihre Leistungen und Aufgaben für Bürger und Unternehmen in elektronischer Form und unabhängig von Zeit und Ort zur Verfügung zu stellen. Meer