Peter Newman
- Auteur
Boeken van Peter Newman
John Eatwell
Murray Milgate
Peter Newman
The World of Economics
What are the central questions of economics and how do economists tackle them? This book aims to answer these questions in 100 essays, written by economists and selected from "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics".
John Eatwell
Murray Milgate
Peter Newman
Time Series and Statistics
This is an excerpt from the 4-volume dictionary of economics, a reference book which aims to define the subject of economics today. 1300 subject entries in the complete work cover the broad themes of economic theory.
Deepak Pareek
Mark Newman
Steve Hotham
Peter Newman
Business Intelligence for Telecommunications
Bringing together market research reports, business analyst briefings, and technology references into one comprehensive volume, Business Intelligence for Telecommunications identifies those advances in both methods and technology that are being employed to inform decision-making and give companies an edge in the rapidly growing and highly competitive telecommunications industry.