Barack Obama
- Auteur
Barack Obama was de 44ste president van de Verenigde Staten, die in november 2008 werd gekozen en zijn ambt twee termijnen lang bekleedde. Hij is de auteur van twee New York Times-bestsellers: Dromen van mijn vader en De herovering van de Amerikaanse droom. In 2009 ontving hij de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Hij woont in Washington D.C., samen met zijn vrouw Michelle. Ze hebben twee dochters, Malia en Sasha.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States, winning more votes than any candidate in history.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States, winning more votes than any candidate in history.
Barack Obama was de 44ste president van de Verenigde Staten, die in november 2008 werd gekozen en zijn ambt twee termijnen lang bekleedde. Hij is de auteur van twee New York Times-bestsellers: Dromen van mijn vader en De herovering van de Amerikaanse droom. In 2009 ontving hij de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Hij woont in Washington D.C., samen met zijn vrouw Michelle. Ze hebben twee dochters, Malia en Sasha.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States, winning more votes than any candidate in history. He took office at a moment of crisis unlike any America had seen in decades – a nation at war, a planet in peril, the American Dream itself threatened by the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. And yet, despite all manner of political obstruction, Obama’s leadership helped rescue the economy, revitalize the American auto industry, reform the health care system to cover another twenty million Americans, and put the country on a firm course to a clean energy future – all while overseeing the longest stretch of job creation in American history.
In times of great challenge and change, President Obama’s leadership ushered in a stronger economy, a more equal society, a nation more secure at home and more respected around the world.
The Obama years were ones in which more people not only began to see themselves in the changing face of America, but to see America the way he always has – as the only place on Earth where so many of our stories could even be possible.
Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
On September 28th President Barack Obama will be present at the seminar Forward Thinking Leadership.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States, winning more votes than any candidate in history. He took office at a moment of crisis unlike any America had seen in decades – a nation at war, a planet in peril, the American Dream itself threatened by the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. And yet, despite all manner of political obstruction, Obama’s leadership helped rescue the economy, revitalize the American auto industry, reform the health care system to cover another twenty million Americans, and put the country on a firm course to a clean energy future – all while overseeing the longest stretch of job creation in American history.
In times of great challenge and change, President Obama’s leadership ushered in a stronger economy, a more equal society, a nation more secure at home and more respected around the world.
The Obama years were ones in which more people not only began to see themselves in the changing face of America, but to see America the way he always has – as the only place on Earth where so many of our stories could even be possible.
Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
On September 28th President Barack Obama will be present at the seminar Forward Thinking Leadership.
Boeken van Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Dromen van mijn vader - Young Adult editie
In het inspirerende 'Dromen van mijn vader' maken we kennis met de jonge Barack Obama.
Barack Obama
Bruce Springsteen
'Renegades: Born in the USA' omvat een reeks openhartige, onthullende en onderhoudende gesprekken tussen president Barack Obama en muzieklegende Bruce Springsteen.
Barack Obama
Een beloofd land
In dit eerste deel van zijn memoires vertelt Barack Obama het verhaal van zijn onwaarschijnlijke odyssee van een jongeman die op zoek is naar zijn identiteit tot de leider van de vrije wereld.
Barack Obama
Promised Land
The presidential memoirs of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, will be published in two volumes.
Interviews en artikelen (1)
Bij de inauguratie van Obama
Annegreet van Bergen | 20 januari 2009
MBA - Mediocre But Arrogant. Als dit op iemand van toepassing is, dan wel op George W. Bush. Hij was de eerste Amerikaanse president met een MBA-titel. Hoe anders is het leiderschap van Barack Obama. Niet alleen is hij een doener, ook kan hij goed omgaan met culturele verschillen. Een onmisbare kwaliteit in een wereld die steeds meer onderling verweven raakt.