Karen Dillon
- Auteur
Karen Dillon is redacteur bij Harvard Business Review.
Karen Dillon is redacteur bij Harvard Business Review.
Boeken van Karen Dillon
Rob Cross
Karen Dillon
The Microstress Effect
How a million little things are dragging you down, and what to do about it. There's a force we encounter every day that we aren't aware of-and it threatens to derail otherwise promising careers and lives: microstress.
Clayton Christensen
Taddy Hall
Karen Dillon
David Duncan
Competing Against Luck : The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice
Clayton Christensen
Taddy Hall
Karen Dillon
David Duncan
Competing Against Luck
A generation ago, Christensen revolutionized business with his groundbreaking theory of disruptive innovation.
Clayton Christensen
James Allworth
Karen Dillon
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Bestsellerauteur Clayton Christensen, geeft u in 'How Will You Measure Your Life?' alle tools in handen om optimale voldoening te halen uit uw carrière, uw persoonlijke relaties en uw leven.