Charles O'Reilly
- Auteur
Charles A. O'Reilly III is Frank E. Buck Professor of Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is also the co-director of Leading Change and Organizational Renewal. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the Distinguished Scholar Award by the Academy of Management and the Organizational Behavior Division Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010.
Charles A. O'Reilly III is Frank E. Buck Professor of Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is also the co-director of Leading Change and Organizational Renewal. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the Distinguished Scholar Award by the Academy of Management and the Organizational Behavior Division Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010.
Boeken van Charles O'Reilly
Andrew Binns
Charles O'Reilly
Michael Tushman
Corporate Explorer
Corporate Explorers Transform Disruption Into Opportunity With This Proven Framework Innovation used to be seen as a game best left to entrepreneurs, but now a new breed of corporate managers is flipping this logic on its head.
Charles O'Reilly
Michael Tushman
Lead and Disrupt
Fully revised, this second edition offers a proven strategy for using ambidexterity to build incremental growth for mature organizations, and the flexibility to adapt in fast-changing environments.
Michael Tushman
Charles O'Reilly
Winning through Innovation
'Winning through Innovation' maakt duidelijk waarom een focus op korte termijn succes vaak de kans vergroot op mislukkingen op de lange termijn. In tegenstelling tot veel andere boeken over innovatie, is dit boek het eerste dat voorziet in systematische, geïntegreerde instrumenten en stappen waarmee u direct aan de slag kunt voor het verkrijgen van praktische inzichten op gebied van evolutionaire en revolutionaire veranderingen in uw eigen organisatie.