Jan Wouters
- Auteur
Boeken van Jan Wouters
Jan Wouters
André Nollkaemper
Erika de Wet
The Europeanisation of International Law
This book addresses the effects of European integration on the position of public international law in the European Union and its Member States, illuminating critical questions pertaining to this triangular relationship.
Jacint Jordana
Michael Keating
Axel Marx
Jan Wouters
Changing Borders in Europe
Changing Borders in Europe focuses on the territorial dimension of the European Union. It examines the transformation of state sovereignty within the EU, the emergence of varied self-determination claims, and the existence of a tailor-made architecture of functional borders, established by multiple agreements.
Jan Wouters
Antoon Braekman
Matthias Lievens
Emilie Bécault
Global Governance and Democracy – A Multidisciplinary Analysis
Axel Marx
Jan Wouters
Glenn Rayp
Laura Beke
Global Governance of Labour Rights – Assessing the Effectiveness of Transnational Public and Private Policy Initiatives