International Handbook of Traumatic Stress Syndromes
Paperback Engels 2012 1e druk 9781461362197Samenvatting
Over 100 researchers from 16 countries contribute to the first comprehensive handbook on post-traumatic stress disorder. Eight major sections present information on assessment, measurement, and research protocols for trauma related to war veterans, victims of torture, children, and the aged. Clinicians and researchers will find it an indispensible reference, touching on such disciplines and psychiatry, psychology, social work, counseling, sociology, neurophysiology, and political science.
Biological Response to Psychic Trauma
Multiple Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Stress-Response Syndromes
Psychoanalytic Contributions to a Theory of Traumatic Stress
Posttraumatic Stress Phenomena
Technological Hazards
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Experienced Anomalous Trauma
Theoretical and Intervention Considerations in Working with Victims of Disaster
Emergency/Disaster Studies
Identifying Survivors at Risk
Survey Research and Field Designs for the Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
A Prospective Study of Victims of Physical Trauma
New Perspectives in the Assessment and Diagnosis of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Structured Clinical Interview Techniques
Assessing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with the Rorschach Projective Technique
Posttrauma Reactions Following a Multiple Shooting
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Dutch Resistance Veterans from World War II
Medical and Psychiatric Consequences of Being a Prisoner of War of the Japanese
Social Resources and the Mental Health of Aging Nazi Holocaust Survivors and Immigrants
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in World War II Prisoners of War from Alsace-Lorraine Who Survived Captivity in the USSR
War and Remembrance
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Vietnam Veterans
The Vietnam Prisoner of War Experience
Posttraumatic Stress Syndromes among British Veterans of the Falklands War
Posttraumatic Effects and Their Treatment among Southeast Asian Refugees
Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Combat Stress among Israeli Veterans of the Lebanon War
Psychiatric Morbidity Due to War in Northern Sri Lanka
The Psychiatric Effects of War Stress on Afghanistan Society
Stress, Coping, and Political Violence in Northern Ireland
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Civil Violence in Northern Ireland
Effects of Postshooting Experiences on Police-Authorized Firearms Officers in the United Kingdom
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Natural Disasters and Technological Accidents
PTSD: Synthesis of Research and Clinical Studies
Chernobyl: Nuclear Threat as Disaster
The Buffalo Creek Disaster
The Kings Cross Fire
The Piper Alpha Oil Rig Disaster
The North Sea Oil Rig Disaster
Traumatic Stress Reactions in the Crew of the Herald of Free Enterprise
Earthquakes and Traumatic Stress
Study of a Major Disaster in the People’s Republic of China
Traumatic Stress Reactions to Motor Vehicle Accidents
Treatment of Victims of Rape Trauma
Issues in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents
Father Kills Mother
Responses of Children and Adolescents to Disaster
Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse
Father—Daughter Incest
Bitter Waters
Traumatic War Experiences and Their Effects on Children
Transgenerational Transmission of War-Related Trauma
Psychotherapy with Young Adult Political Refugees
Traumatic Stress and the Bruising of the Soul
The Psychosexual Trauma of Torture
Psychological Sequelae of Torture
Therapy with Families Who Have Experienced Torture
Hyperventilation as a Reaction to Torture
Disruption and Reconstitution of Family, Network, and Community Systems Following Torture, Organized Violence, and Exile
Torture of a Norwegian Ship’s Crew
Principles of Treatment and Service Development for Torture and Trauma Survivors
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment of Torture Survivors
Posttraumatic Therapy
Psychobiological and Pharmacological Approaches to Treatment
Neurophysiological Considerations in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Focal Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
War-Related Trauma and Victimization
Posttraumatic Narcissism
Beyond the DSM-III-R
Posttraumatic Stress Recovery of Terrorist Survivors
A 12-Step Recovery Program for Victims of Traumatic Events
Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Vietnam Veterans
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Use of the Multigenerational Family Tree in Working with Survivors and Children of Survivors of the Nazi Holocaust
Traumatic Stress in Disaster Workers and Emergency Personnel
Vet Centers
Trauma in the Workplace
International Perspectives on the Treatment and Prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Mental Health Policy for Victims of Violence
Coping with Disaster
Temporary Organization for Crisis Intervention
Role of Voluntary Organizations in the United Kingdom for Disabled Veterans Suffering from War Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Settlement Reconstruction and Psychological Recovery in Iran
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