Session 1A: Charity & Social Marketing.- Session 1B: Unhappy customers: Consumer dissatisfaction and service recovery.- Session 1C: Impact of Consumer Behavior Factors on Retail Decisions.- Session 1D: Digital Influence: Power, Conflict, and Sentiment.- Session 1E: Appeals and Diversity.- Session 1F: New Product Development & Product Strategy in Dynamic Market Environments.- Session 1G: Digital Tools and Marketing Pedagogy.- Session 1H: Service Quality: Online Experiences and Feedback.- Session 1I: Doctoral Colloquium: Advertising.- Session 1J: Special Session: Opportunities and Challenges of Wearable Technology.- Session 2B: Citizenship behavior and services marketing.- Session 2C: Glimpsing into and deciding about the future.- Session 2D: Luck, Intuition, and Salesperson Characteristics.- Session 2E: Digital Marketing and Branding.- Session 2F: Branding and celebrity endorsements.- Session 2G: SpecialSession - Applied Neuroeconomics.- Session 2H: Doctoral Colloquium: Consumer Behavior.- Session 2I: Special Session: Managing Retail in an Omnichannel Environment.- Session 2J: Special Session: Retailing and Pricing Cues.- Session 3A: Digital Advertising.- Session 3B: Brand Attachment and Brand Equity.- Session 3C: Impact of In-store Retail Cues.- Session 3D: Cyborgs, Wearables, and Avatars, Oh My!.- Session 3E: Co-creation, collaboration, and connectivity in services marketing.- Session 3F: Digital Marketing.- Session 3G: International Consumer Behavior.- Session 3H: Relationship Marketing: Bright and Dark Sides.- Session 3I: Movies and Creativity.- Session 3J: Finding Nemo: Understanding Elusive Customers in Sales.- Session 4A: Foods and Logos.- Session 4B: Animosity and Hate in Branding.- Session 4C: Factors Impacting Price Evaluations.- Session 4D: Brands: Placebos, Warranties and Freemium.- Session 4E: Enter The New Realm Of The Sharing Economy, Big Data, Augmented Reality, And Exclusivity.- Session 4F: Internal and External Influences on Organizational Success.- Session 4G: Special Session - The Role of In-Store and Online Retailing Factors.- Session 4H: Special Session: Transitioning to the First Year of a Tenure Track Job.- Session 4I: Female Consumers and Social Factors.- Session 4J: Special Session: Is the Marketing Function Influential or Not?.- Session 5A: Consumer Engagement on Social Media.- Session 5B: Emotions and Symbolism in Branding.- Session 5C: The Impact of Price on Promotion Evaluations.- Session 5E: Powerful others: How Consumers Influence each Other.- Session 5F: Corporate Social Responsibility: Crisis, Commitment, Consumption and Communication.- Session 5H: Doctoral Colloquium: Branding and Market Orientation.- Session 5I: WoM, Reviews, and Shopping Preferences.- Session 6A: Sensory Marketing and Healthful Consumption.- Session 6B: Brand Worlds, Merchandise and Counterfeits.- Session 6C: Factors Impacting Retailer Perception.- Session 6D: Relationship Marketing: Financial Implications.- Session 6F: Consumer Behavior: Going beyond Self-Benefits.- Session 6G: Global Marketing Strategies: Overview and Reviews.- Session 6H: Doctoral Colloquium: Services Marketing.- Session 6I: International and Cross-Cultural Factors.- Session 6J: The Incredibles: Creating Value in Sales.- Session 7A: Sensory Marketing, Retail Atmospherics, and Healthy Food Choices.- Session 7B: Social and economic communication.- Session 7C: Retail and Review Cues.- Session 7D: To keep or not to keep that is the question: Reactions to products growing old.- Session 7E: Astrometry, Salespeople and Word-of-mouth: Consequential Encounters.- Session 7E: Astrometry, Salespeople and Word-of-mouth: Consequential Encounters.- Session 7F: Cause Marketing & Green Marketing.- Session 7G: Special Session: Unveiling the Magic of Storytelling in Marketing.- Session 7H: Special Session: Learning about the magic of publishing using bibliometric and content analysis.- Session 7I: Firms, Retailers, and Customers.- Session 8B: Getting Consumer Insights from Sport Fans and Volunteers.- Session 8C: Roles of Channels on Preferences and Choices.- Session 8D: Cross Cultural Aspects of Brands.- Session 8E: Special Session: Designing an integrated three year marketing Bachelor’s degree program.- Session 8F: Mindfulness: A New Look at Marketing Ethics.- Session 8G: Journal Review Process and Rejections: Interactive Q&A Discussion with Journal Editorial Reviewers.- Session 8I: Innovations & New Technologies: Implications for Strategic Marketing.- Session 8J: Express Your Selfie! Self-Concept, Identity and Self-Expression.- Session 9A: CSR Medley: Sustainability,Celebrities, Measurement and Moral Emotions.- Session 9B: Emotions and the Self.- Session 9C: It's all about the Design.- Session 9D: eWOM: Let's Talk! Travel, Piracy, Culture and Information Overload.- Session 9E: Experiential Learning and Course Design.- Session 9F: Special Session: Exploring Difficulties & Pitfalls Doctoral Students Must Conquer in Becoming Researchers/Authors/Scholars.- Session 11A: Symbols, language, and imagery.- Session 11B: Brand Image, Brand Authenticity and Brand Heritage.- Session 11C: Marketing Metrics and Analytics I.- Session 11D: Brands and Identity: An International Marketing Perspective.- Session 11E: Managing the consumer experience.- Session 11F: Strategic Orientation & Commitment.- Session 12A: Consumer-Brand Relationships and New Media.- Session 12B: Digital Marketing and Social Media.- Session 12C: “The Game Plan”: Managerial Considerations in Sport Marketing.- Session 12D: “Fantasia”: Marketing Insights for Media Entertainment.- Session 12E: Marketing Metrics and Analytics II.- Session 12F: Social and cultural influences in services.- Session 12G: Cultural Aspects of International Marketing.