Social Psychology
Goals in Interaction
Gebonden Engels 2014 6e druk 9780133810189Samenvatting
Reveals social behavior motives, and bridges the person and the social situation. A unique integrated approach to social behavior, 'Social Psychology, 6th edition' invite readers to consider the interplay of influences inside and outside the person in social situations. The authors emphasizes how social psychology is an important discipline, connecting different areas of psychology (e.g., clinical, organizational, and neuroscience) as well as other behavioral sciences (e.g., anthropology, biology, economics, medicine, and law).
Organized around the two broad questions -"What purposes does this behavior serve for an individual?" and "Which factors lead an individual to use this behavior to achieve those goals?" - each chapter considers factors in the person, in the situation, and in their interaction, to form an understanding of human behavior. REVEL from Pearson is an immersive learning experience designed for the way today's student read, think, and learn. REVEL modernizes familiar and respected course content with dynamic media interactives and assessments, and empowers educators to increase engagement in the course, better connecting with students.
The result is increased student engagement and improved learning. REVEL for Kenrick Social Psychology, 6/e will be available for Fall 2014 classes. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience- for you and your students.
- Immersive Learning Experiences with REVEL: REVEL delivers immersive learning experiences designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn. * Explore Research: Students can explore research around the world with new Original Research Videos. Investigation questions further encourage students to analyze the material in each chapter.
- Demonstrates Practically: Several features throughout the book help readers connect abstract ideas to real-life situations. * Improves Learning: Effective pedagogy features promote students' learning. For examples, Quick Quiz Self-tests in each chapter allows students to test their understanding of the material.
- Support Instructors: Video embedded PowerPoints, MyTest, clicker questions, and an instructor's manual provide instructors with extensive materials to supplement the text.
The Mysteries of Social Life
What Is Social Psychology?
Major Theoretical Perspectives of Social Psychology
Basic Principles of Social Behavior
How Psychologists Study Social Behavior
Social Psychology’s Bridges with Other Areas of Knowledge
Revisiting the Mysteries of Social Life
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
2. The Person and the Situation
The Enigma of An Ordinary And Extraordinary Man
The Person
The Situation
The Person and the Situation Interact
Revisiting the Enigma of An Ordinary and Extraordinary Man
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
3. Social Cognition: Understanding Ourselves and Others
Portraits of Hillary Rodham Clinton
The Social Thinker
Conserving Mental Effort
Managing Self-Image
Seeking An Accurate Understanding
Revisiting the Portraits of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
4. Presenting the Self
Revisiting the Amazing Lives of Fred Demara
What Is Self-Presentation?
Appearing Likable
Appearing Competent
Conveying Status and Power
Revisiting the Amazing Lives of Fred Demara
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
5. Attitudes and Persuasion
The Changing Story of Peter Reilly
The Nature of Attitudes
What Is Persuasion?
Having An Accurate View of the World
Being Consistent in One’s Attitudes and Actions
Gaining Social Approval
Revisiting the Story of Peter Reilly
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
6. Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
The Extraordinary Turnaround (and Around) of Steve Hassan
Categories of Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
Choosing Correctly: Yielding to Be Right
Gaining Social Approval: Yielding to Be Liked
Managing Self-Image: Yielding to Be Consistent
Revisiting the Turnaround of Steve Hassan
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
7. Affiliation and Friendship
What Is a Friend?
Getting Social Support
Getting Information
Gaining Status
Exchanging Material Benefits
Are Exchange Relationships Different in Western and Non-Western Cultures?
Revisiting the Fugitive Who Befriended The God-King
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
8. Love and Romantic Relationships
The Love Affair of ‘The Elephant and the Dove’
Defining Love and Romantic Attraction
Obtaining Sexual Gratification
Establishing Family Bonds
Revisiting the Love Affair of “The Elephant and the Dove”
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
9. Prosocial Behavior
The Strange Case of Sempo Sugihara
The Goals of Prosocial Behavior
Improving Our Basic Welfare: Gaining Genetic and Material Benefits
Gaining Social Status and Approval
Managing Self-Image
Managing Our Emotions and Moods
Does Pure Altruism Exist?
Revisiting the Case of Sempo Sugihara
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
10. Aggression
Senseless Violence
What Is Aggression?
Coping with Feelings of Annoyance
Gaining Material and Social Rewards
Gaining or Maintaining Social Status
Protecting Oneself or Others
Reducing Violence
Revisiting Senseless Violence
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
11. Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
The Unlikely Journey of Ann Atwater and C. P. Ellis
Planet Prejudice
Supporting and Protecting One’s Group
Seeking Social Approval
Managing Self-Image
Seeking Mental Efficiency
Reducing Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
Revisiting the Journey of Ann Atwater and C. P. Ellis
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
12. Groups
Blowing the Whistle on Hidden Group Pathologies
The Nature of Groups
Getting Things Done
Making Accurate Decisions
Gaining Positions of Leadership
Revisiting the Revealed Pathologies of the FBI, Enron, and WorldCom
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
13. Social Dilemmas: Cooperation Versus Conflict
Contrasting Future Worlds
Defining Social Dilemmas
Gaining Immediate Satisfaction
Defending Ourselves and Valued Others
The Future
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
14. Integrating Social Psychology
Public Spectacles, Hidden Conspiracies, and Multiple Motives
What Ground Have We Covered?
Major Theoretical Perspectives of Social Psychology
Combining the Different Perspectives
Why Research Methods Matter
How Does Social Psychology Fit into the Network of Knowledge?
The Future of Social Psychology
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan