Death by China
Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action (paperback)
Paperback Nederlands 2016 9780134319032Samenvatting
“Like a modern-day Paul Revere, this book offers the most urgent of warnings about how China is systematically destroying the American economy under the false banner of ‘free’ trade–and in the process, severely weakening our national defenses.”
–Ian Fletcher, Senior Economist, Coalition for a Prosperous America
“The authors rightly and squarely point the finger at all of the corporate turncoats and China apologists in America who are helping to make China’s rise anything but peaceful.”
–Alan Tonelson, Research Fellow, U.S. Business and Industrial Council,
“A high-powered rifle shot that hits the Beijing bull’s-eye dead-on.”
–Dylan Ratigan, host of MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan Show
“Death by China is further proof that we are sowing the seeds of our own demise.... This book is shocking and is a must-read for all.”
–Paul Midler, author of Poorly Made in China
“This clarion call carefully researches and intricately details the clear and present dangers that an anything but ‘peacefully rising’ China poses to the world.”
–Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, 46th District (Rep, CA)
“This liberty bell of a book should shake American leaders out of their slumber so that they finally–finally–realize that China’s economic policies are bankrupting the United States of America.”
–Richard McCormack, Editor and Publisher, Manufacturing & Technology News
“I’ve been long concerned about China’s evolving military challenge to America and our allies.... Every Western political and military leader should read this book. Now!”
–Jon Gallinetti, Major General, USMC, retired
“Be forewarned: Once you start reading, you won’t want to stop.”
–Damon DiMarco, author of Tower Stories: An Oral History of 9/11 and co-author of My Two Chinas: The Memoir of a Chinese Counterrevolutionary with Baiqiao Tang
“A chilling compilation of China’s gathering storm.”
–Brian Binnie, Commander USN, retired; test pilot; commercial astronaut and winner of the Ansari X Prize
China is now the greatest threat to America.
Soon to be the world’s largest economy, China is attacking on every front, with every available weapon—from protectionism and currency manipulation to cyber attacks and espionage. Around the globe, China is also doing whatever it takes to capture crucial resources—even if it means promoting nuclear proliferation by the world’s most dangerous regimes. Inside the United States, Americans are being injured or killed by the Dragon’s dangerous exports: poisoned food, spiked drugs, toxic toys. Meanwhile, huge U.S. corporations have allied with China’s state-owned enterprises to destroy American manufacturing—and, ultimately and ironically, destroy themselves.
It’s an incredible and incredibly shameful story, and Death by China tells it all. But understanding the reality of China’s assault on America is only the beginning. Leading economists Peter Navarro and Greg Autry offer a complete plan for surviving the global power shift China has already engineered—and halting the Dragon’s onslaught before it’s too late.
It’s not China “bashing” if it’s true
Challenging the China apologists and appeasers
The Dragon’s death to America’s manufacturing base
How China’s totalitarianism, mercantilism, and protectionism are winning
China’s “dark visitors” steal the “rope” to hang us with
Beijing’s Red Hacker Brigades vow: “We will bury you, Chinese-style”
Death by Colonial Dragon—A rising hegemon’s revenge
Vacuuming up Africa’s resources, plundering Latin America, bullying Asia
Chapter 1: It’s Not China Bashing If It’s True   1
Chapter 2: Death by Chinese Poison: Bodies for Bucks and Chicks for Free   15
Chapter 3: Death by Chinese Junk: Strangling Our Babies in Their Cribs   29
Chapter 4: Death to America’s Manufacturing Base: Why We Don’t Play (or Work) in Peoria Anymore   49
Chapter 5: Death by Currency Manipulation: Crouching Tiger, Nuking Dragon   67
Chapter 6: Death by American Corporate Turncoat: When Greenbacks Trump the Red,
White, and Blue   77
Chapter 7: Death by Colonial Dragon: Locking Down Resources and Locking Up Markets Round the World   91
Chapter 8: Death by Blue Water Navy: Why China’s Military Rise Should Raise Red Flags   111
Chapter 9: Death by Chinese Spy: How Beijing’s “Vacuum Cleaners” Are Stealing the Rope to Hang Uncle Sam   127
Chapter 10: Death by Red Hacker: From Chengdu’s “Dark Visitors” to Manchurian Chips   137
Chapter 11: Death by Darth Liu: Look Ma, There’s a Death Star Pointing at Chicago   151
Chapter 12: Death to a Big Planet: Do You Want to Be Fried with That Apocalypse?    171
Chapter 13: Death by Chinese Pogrom: When Mao Met Orwell and Deng Xiaoping in Tiananmen Square   187
Chapter 14: Death by China on China: Shanghaiing the Gene Pool at the Top of the World and Other Earthly Tales   197
Chapter 15: Death by China Apologist: Fareed Zakaria Floats Away   215
Chapter 16: Life with China: How to Survive and Prosper in the Dragon’s Century   233
Epilogue   261
Endnotes   265
Index   287
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