Joseph Stiglitz is een van de belangrijkste economen ter wereld. Na ene lange wetenschappelijke loopbaan was hij voorzitter van de Raad van Economisch Adviseurs van oud-president Clinton en van 1997 tot 1999 chef-econoom bij de Wereldbank.
Meer over Joseph StiglitzThe Great Divide
Paperback Engels 2016 1e druk 9780141981222Samenvatting
Why has inequality increased in the Western world - and what can we do about it? In 'The Great Divide', Joseph E. Stiglitz argues that inequality is a choice - the cumulative result of unjust policies and misguided priorities.
In these essays, articles and reflections, Stiglitz fully exposes the inequality that is afflicting America and other Western countries in thrall to neoliberalism. From Reagan-era policies to the Great Recession and its long aftermath, Stiglitz delves into the processes and irresponsible policies - deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, the corruption of the political process - that are leaving many people further and further behind and turning the dream of a socially mobile society into an ever more unachievable myth. With formidable yet accessible economic insight, he urges us to embrace real solutions. Ultimately, Stiglitz believes our choice is not between growth and fairness; with the right policies, we can choose both.
Prelude: Showing Cracks
Part 1: Big Think
Part 2: Personel Reflections
Part 3: Dimensions of Inequality
Part 4: Causes of America’s Growing Inequality
Part 5: Consequences of Inequality
Part 6: Policy
Part 7: Regional Perspectives
Part 8 Putting America Back to Work
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