Liesbeth Talboom en Liesbeth Haesevoets van het creatieve marketingbureau Studio Maria zien ook overal kansen op verbinding tussen merken en mensen. Voor dit boek sloegen ze met plezier de handen in elkaar.
Meer over de auteursOxford IB Diploma Programme: English A: Language and Literature Course Companion
Paperback Engels 2019 9780198434528Samenvatting
Developed in cooperation with the IB, this student-friendly, concept-based Course Book has been comprehensively updated to support all aspects of the new English A: Language and Literature syllabus, for first teaching in September 2019. With in-depth coverage of the new Areas of Exploration, global concerns, concepts and conceptual questions, the resource provides a clear and accessible route through the course - from text selection and analysis to assessment. The IB English A: Language and Literature Course Book is available in print, online and as a print and online pack.
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- werk en loopbaan