The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds
Gebonden Engels 2021 1e druk 9780198840954Samenvatting
The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds provides a comprehensive overview of the hedge fund industry from a global perspective, bringing together insights from theoretical and applied research. The book seeks to both introduce the industry and what it does to scholars and practitioners new to the area, and to provide more advanced insights to those with extensive expertise in the area. The handbook explains the main context in which hedge funds operate, how the raise capital, and their structure and governance. It evaluates the main factors that have affected the operation of hedge funds, including competition from mutual funds, the market environment, and financial regulation, explains key concepts such as hedge fund flows, and core issues of practice, such as hedge fund manager fees.
This volume provides insights into the principle head fund strategies and how these have changed over the years. The behavioural dimensions of hedge fund behaviour are evaluated, as are fintech's consequences. The volume evaluates the effects of hedge funds on the firms they invest in, in terms of internal governance, strategy and practice. Furthermore, it explores a range of ethical issues around the operation of hedge funds, how they fit within the wider political economy, and changes in hedge fund regulation and taxation strategies.
Part 1 - Hedge Fund Industry, Flows, and Governance
2. The Lost Decade for Hedge Funds: Three Threats, Joe McCahery and F. Alexander de Roode
3. Hedge Fund Flows, Guillermo Baquero and Marno Verbeek
4. Hedge Funds and Limited Partnership Agreements, Na Dai
Part 2 - Hedge Fund Strategies
5. Investment Strategies of Hedge Funds, Hany Shawky
6. Hedge Fund Strategies in the Post-Crisis Era, Yigit Atilgan, Turan Bali, and A. Doruk Gunaydin
7. Covergence and Diversity in the Hedge Fund and Private Equity Industry, Omololu Bajulaiye, Mark Fenwick, Ivona Skultetyova, and Erik Vermeulen
8. Hedge Funds and Herding Behaviour, Neil Kellard
9. Optimal Embedded Leverage for Portfolios of Commodity Trading Advisors, Christian Lundstörm and Jarkko Peltomäki
10. Financial Technology and Hedge Funds, Wulf Kaal
Part 3 - Hedge Fund Activism
11. Hedge Fund Activism vs Other Activist Investors, Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal and Jan Schnitzler
12. A Review of Hedge Fund Activism: Impact on Shareholders vs. Stakeholders, Hadiye Aslan
13. Gone Global: The International Diffusion of Hedge Fund Activism, Ruth Aguilera, Ryan Federo, and Yuliya Ponomareva
14. Hedge Fund Activism and Financial Performance, J.B Heaton
15. Hedge Fund Activism and Corporate Innovation, Roberto S. Santos and Sunny Li Sun
Part 4 - Hedge Fund Misconduct and Regulation
16. Hedge Funds and Financial Misreporting, Philippe Jorion
17. Misconduct at Hedge Funds, Nick Bollen
18. Outsourcing Compliance Functions and Fraud Detection, David M. Shapiro
19. Indirect Regulation of Hedge Funds, Wulf Kaal
20. Tax Optimization of Hedge Funds, Both in Terms of Their Setup and/or in Terms of Structuring their Investments, Francoise-Serge Lhabitant
21. Locating Hedge Funds in a Subjective and Political Economy Context, Ian Clarke and Emrah Karakilic
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