Practicing Positive CBT
From Reducing Distress to Building Success
Paperback Engels 2012 9781119952695Samenvatting
Practicing Positive CBT: From Reducing Distress to Building Success reveals a new therapeutic approach that combines traditional CBT with Positive Psychology and Solution–Focused Brief Therapy. By shifting the focus of therapy from what is wrong with clients to what it right with them and from what is not working to what is, Positive CBT creates a more optimistic process that empowers clients and therapists to flourish.
Increases client motivation and collaboration; allows therapeutic outcomes to be achieved in shorter timeframes and in a more cost–effective way
Covers theory and applications, and provides a wide range of stories, exercises and case studies
The author has a uniquely broad knowledge and experience as a therapist and trainer of CBT, PP, and SFBT
Foreword x
Preface xii
Story: The Hundredth Monkey xiv
Acknowledgments xv
1 What is CBT? 3
Introduction 3
CBT Techniques 4
Empirical Evidence 5
2 What is Positive CBT? 7
Introduction 7
Shortcomings of the Problem–Solving Paradigm 8
Story 2.1: How to Not Be Unhappy 10
Towards a Strengths and Solutions Paradigm 10
Notes on Learning Theory 16
Story 2.2: I Can Choose 16
Changing Role of the Therapist 16
Differences Between Traditional CBT and Positive CBT An Overview 17
Story 2.3: Looking for Problems? 17
3 Possibilities of Positive CBT 19
Introduction 19
What is Positive in Traditional CBT? 20
Possibilities of Positive CBT 31
4 Two Positive Sources 34
Introduction 34
Source 1: Positive Psychology 35
Story 4.1: The Power of Positive Emotions 41
Source 2: Solution–Focused Brief Therapy 41
Story 4.2: Do Something Different for a Change 42
Story 4.3: Working from the Future Back 49
Short Comparison Between Positive Psychology and Solution–Focused Brief Therapy 50
Empirical Evidence 50
Neuroscience 51
Story 4.4: The Drip System 55
The Body 59
5 Enhancing the Therapeutic Alliance 63
Introduction 63
Building a Positive Alliance 64
Offering Acknowledgment 65
Story 5.1: Acknowledging the Problem 66
Enhancing Hope 66
Story 5.2: The Archer 69
Story 5.3: The Power of Hope 70
Reinforcing Strengths and What Works 70
Enhancing Cooperation 72
Story 5.4: Misery I Love You! 74
Story 5.5: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody 76
6 Assessment 77
Introduction 77
Case Conceptualization 77
Assessing Goals 79
Story 6.1: Top Performers 86
Assessing Problems, Complaints, and Constraints 87
Assessing Strengths and Resources 88
Assessing Progress, Motivation, Hope, and Confi dence 90
Story 6.2: At the Car Wash 92
Assessing Motivation to Change 93
Positive Self–monitoring 93
Positive Functional Behavior Analysis 95
7 Changing the Viewing 99
Introduction 99
Acknowledging Feelings and the Past 99
Changing What the Client is Paying Attention to 101
Story 7.1: Finding the Bright Spots 102
Story 7.2: The Dog I Feed Most 110
Story 7.3: Shake it Off and Step Up 111
Focusing on What the Client Wants in the Future 114
Challenging Unhelpful Beliefs 115
Using a Spiritual Perspective 124
8 Changing the Doing 128
Introduction 128
Story 8.1: For a Change Do Something Different 128
Changing Repetitive Patterns 129
Story 8.2: Sail Away From the Safe Harbor 130
Noticing What the Client is Doing When Things are Going Better 131
Story 8.3: Chocolate–chip Cookies 133
9 Changing the Feeling 138
Introduction 138
Reducing Negative Emotions 138
Building Positive Emotions 140
Balancing Positive and Negative Emotions 145
Story 9.1: Consider a Sail–boat 147
Story 9.2: The Nun Study 148
Positive Emotions in the Medical Setting 148
10 Homework Assignments 152
Introduction 152
General Suggestions 153
Basic Homework Assignments 156
Self–monitoring 157
Behavioral Experiments 160
Routine Outcome Measurement 165
Story 10.1: Brilliant Insights 166
Refl ecting on the Session 170
11 Subsequent Sessions 173
Introduction 173
Progress 174
Behavior Maintenance 180
Failures 185
Story 11.1: Ten Million Dollars Lost 190
Concluding Therapy 190
12 Role of the Positive CBT Therapist 193
Introduction 193
Watering the Flowers 193
Role of the Positive CBT Therapist 194
Supertherapists 196
Easy and Fun 198
The Alliance Revisited 200
Microanalysis 200
Benefi ts for Therapists 203
13 Positive CBT with Couples and Groups 209
Introduction 209
Positive CBT with Couples 210
Story 13.1: The Norway Feedback Project 213
Positive CBT with Groups 215
14 Positive CBT with Children and Families 219
Introduction 219
Positive CBT with Children 220
Story 14.1: Little Squid 222
Positive CBT with Families 232
Transcultural Positive CBT 236
15 Positive CBT in the Workplace 237
Introduction 237
Positive CBT in a Team 238
Story 15.1: We Can Learn From Geese 239
Positive CBT in an Organization 243
Story 15.2: Swarm Intelligence 245
Story 15.3: What You Give is What You Get 248
16 Positive CBT and the Future 250
Introduction 250
Research 250
Training 251
17 FAQ 255
Introduction 255
20 Questions and Answers 255
Epilog 264
Story: On the Other Side 264
Web Sites 265
Appendix A Protocols for the First Session 268
Appendix B Protocol for Finding Exceptions 270
Appendix C Protocol for Subsequent Sessions 272
Appendix D Positive FBA Interview 274
Appendix E Externalization of the Problem 275
Appendix F Interactional Matrix (Changing Perspectives) 276
Appendix G Questionnaire for the Referrer 278
Appendix H Exceptions Journal 279
Appendix I Session Rating Scale (SRS) 281
References 282
Author Index 294
Subject Index 298
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan