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Nienke Bloem wordt ook wel dé CX-expert van Nederland genoemd. Nienke was verantwoordelijk voor CX bij KPN en is sinds vijf jaar een veelgevraagd spreker, adviseur en trainer als het gaat over klantbeleving.
Meer over Nienke BloemHow to spice up your leadership?
That is what this book is all about. In 2021, Nienke decided to spice up her life and found the magical connection between Customer Experience, pilgrimage, and leadership. She walked 1,000 kilometers on the Via Francigena, a pilgrim’s path in Italy. Her backpack was her only company, and she had good and bad days. Conquered rain, sun, hail and wild boar. No mountain was too high, no valley too low. She just kept walking with a smile on her face and often in her blue dress.
Nienke walked from the Swiss border all the way down to Rome and finished on Saint Peter’s Square on her 50th birthday, May 17th, 2022. Just as she had planned. She walked the path in 6 stages, as she had to run her CX business that year as well. She knows how to get things done, how to o from plan to delivery, and in this book she shares her stories. Sometimes funny, but always on point.
She shares 50 insights in this book in a snackable way. Of course, you can read them all at once, or just a few at the time. Whichever way you like it! Enjoy reading this book, as it may help and inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life.