Programmiersprachen gehoren seit den Anfangen der Entwicklung des Fachgebietes Informatik zu dessen inner stem Kern. Dabei faBt der Begriff "Programmiersprachen" eine Reihe von Gegenstanden der In formatik zusammen, die insgesamt auf das Ziel gerichtet sind, den Benutzern von Rechenanlagen die Programmierung wesentlich zu erleichtern. Meer
As a society, we tend to reward problem solvers, rather than those who prevent problems at their source. In other words, we focus on after-the-fact occurrences (appraisal activities) instead of trying to eliminate these occurrences (preventing activities). Meer
From force field analysis to `zero defects', from `brainstorming' to the Deming Wheel, this volume meets the need for a short, accessible reference to the 100 most frequently adopted methods for implementing total quality management. Meer
The updated and realigned content meets the revised academic syllabi, and gives extra depth to the use of the models within the structure of Distinction and A* grade assignments and exam responses. Meer
These 20 essential keys have helped many manufacturing companies integrate the top manufacturing improvement methods into a coordinated system for drastic and continual improvement in involvement, quality, and productivity. Meer
Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk sammelt und erläutert Begriffe rund um Soziale Robotik und Automatisierung. Es ist für alle geeignet, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Gebiet suchen und sich besonders für Fragen des Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Maschine sowie Fragen der Ethik in diesem Bereich interessieren. Meer
Die Prinzipien und Methoden der Lean Production haben aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive einen hohen Reifegrad erreicht, ihr Durchdringungsgrad in der Unternehmenspraxis steigt stetig. Meer
Die Autoren unterstützen Praktiker bei der Investitionsentscheidung zum Einsatz des 3D-Drucks, indem sie die Wirkungen auf Beschaffungs-, Produktions-, Distributions- und Retourenprozesse aufzeigen. Meer
Lack of materials or goods to satisfy customer orders under current market conditions represents an extremely costly and important problem facing businesses today. Meer
Vom „Altruismus“ über die „Filter Bubble“ bis hin zum „Whistleblowing“: Die Sprache der Informationsethik zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Anglizismen aus. Meer
In 1958, Ralph E. Gomory transformed the field of integer programming when he published a paper that described a cutting-plane algorithm for pure integer programs and announced that the method could be refined to give a finite algorithm for integer programming. Meer
Hiroyuki Hirano's five pillars of the visual workplace: sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain are the most fundamental and often overlooked aspects in continuous improvement initiatives. Meer
Developing and maintaining a disciplined management system provides any organization with a blueprint for exceptional performance and success. Indeed, for larger multinational corporations, a management system is a critical component for sustainable growth and performance management. Meer
The biggest competitive advantage an organization can achieve comes from the synergies created by employees skilled in enhancing organizational dynamics. Meer
The biggest competitive advantage an organization can achieve comes from the synergies created by employees skilled in enhancing organizational dynamics. Meer
This book provides an in-depth presentation of algorithms for and complexity of open shop scheduling. Open shops allow operations of a job to be executed in any order, contrary to flow and job shops where the order is pre-specified. Meer
This book provides an in-depth presentation of algorithms for and complexity of open shop scheduling. Open shops allow operations of a job to be executed in any order, contrary to flow and job shops where the order is pre-specified. Meer
Welcome to ANALYZE, designed to provide computer assistance for analyzing linear programs and their solutions. Chapter 1 gives an overview of ANALYZE and how to install it. Meer