Danny Busch (1974) is hoogleraar Financieel Recht aan het Instituut voor Financieel Recht (IFR) van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en als advocaat te Amsterdam werkzaam in de financiële praktijk.
Meer over de auteursCapital Markets Union in Europe
Gebonden Engels 2018 1e druk 9780198813392Samenvatting
Capital Markets Union in Europe analyses the legal and economic implications of the European Commission's plans to form a Capital Markets Union (CMU) in Europe, which will have a major impact on financial markets and institutions both in the region and beyond.
A detailed introductory chapter provides a broad overview of the various aspects and challenges of the CMU proposals, whilst thematically grouped chapters cover the following areas: (i) general aspects, (ii) Brexit, (iii) financing innovation, (iv) raising capital on the capital markets, (v) fostering retail and institutional investment, (vi) leveraging banking capacity to support the wider economy, (vii) facilitating cross-border investing, and (viii) comparative aspects of capital market integration.
Written by world renowned experts in the fields of banking and capital markets, including respected academics, with broad practical experience, and leading practitioners, Capital Markets Union in Europe provides high-quality analysis of the legal and economic issues in a practical context.
1: Capital Markets Union after Brexit, Danny Busch, Emilios Avgouleas & Guido Ferrarini
2: CMU and the Deepening of Financial Integration, Diego Valiente
3: A Stronger Role for the European Supervisory Authorities in the EU27, Danny Busch
4: The Future of ESMA and a Single Listing Authority and Securities Regulator for the CMU: Costs, Benefits and Legal Impediments, Emilios Avgouleas & Guido Ferrarini
5: Some Apects of the Impact of Brexit in the Field of Financial Services, Eddy Wymeersch
6: Capital Markets Union, Third Countries and Equivalence: Law, Markets and Brexit, Niamh Moloney
7: OTC Derivatives Clearing, Brexit and the CMU, Guido Ferrarini & Davide Trasciatti
Financing Innovation, Start-Ups, Non-Listed Companies and Infrastructure Projects
8: The Role of Financial Innovation in EU Market Integration and the Capital Markets Union: A Re-conceptualisation of Policy Objectives, Emilios Avgouleas
9: Capital Markets Union: Why 'Venture Capital' is not the Answer to Europe's Innovation Challenge, Erik Vermeulen
10: FinTech and Alternative Finance in the CMU: The Regulation of Marketplace Investing, Guido Ferrarini & Eugenia Macchiavello
Raising Capital on the Capital Markets
11: Modernising the Prospectus Directive, Bas de Jong & Thomas Arons
12: Small and Medium Enterprises Growth Markets, Andrea Perrone
13: Initial Public Offerings in the CMU: A U.S. Perspective, Merritt Fox
14: Private Placements in the Capital Markets Union: A Priority Moving in Reverse?, Frank Graaf
15: Damages Actions by Investors on the Back of Market Disclosure Requirements, Paul Davies
Fostering Retail and Institutional Investment
16: Building Blocks of Investor Protection: All-Embracing Regulation Tightens its Grip, Veerle Colaert
17: A Policy Framework for European Personal Pensions, Mark Heemskerk, René Maatman & Bas Werker
18: Institutional Investors and Development of Europe's Capital Markets, Zsolt Darvas & Dirk Schoenmaker
19: Cross-border Distribution of Collective Investment Products in the EU, Matteo Gargantini, Carmine di Noia & Georgios Dimitropoulos
Leveraging Banking Capacity to Support the Wider Economy
20: Relief from Prudential Requirements to Support the Capital Markets Union, Bart Joosen & Kitty Lieverse
21: Securitisation in the Capital Markets Union: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Gerard Kastelein
22: A Global Perspective on Securitised Debt, Steven Schwarz
Facilitatiting Cross-Border Investing
23: Shareholder Activism in the CMU, Alessio Pacces
24: Efforts to Strengthen the Clearing and Settlement Framework of the Capital Markets Union, Bas Zebregs & Victore de Serière
25: Preventive Restructuring Frameworks, Michael Veder & Anne Mennens
26: Removing Cross-Border Tax Barriers, Loredana Carpentieri & Stefano Micossi
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