Management Communication
Paperback Engels 2010 3e druk 9780470084458Samenvatting
Finally business professionals will be able to learn how to communicate effectively. This book builds the essential writing, speaking, and listening skills needed to succeed. An entire section is devoted to helping non–native speakers of English in their efforts to produce readable, well–edited work. It includes Communication Dilemmas boxes that pose interesting, real–life communication choices and challenges. Six brief interviews with real communication experts are presented that explore a variety of different corporate environments. New sections are also included on social networking communications and the electronic career search. Business professionals will discover how to apply newly acquired communication skills throughout their careers.
<p>Acknowledgements v</p>
<p>Introduction vii</p>
<p>Part One Pillars of Management Communication 1</p>
<p>Chapter 1 Communication Architecture for Professional Success 5</p>
<p>Chapter 2 A Process for Management Writing 46</p>
<p>Chapter 3 Individual and Collaborative Styles for Management Writing 72</p>
<p>Chapter 4 Oral Presentations 103</p>
<p>Chapter 5 Listening 145</p>
<p>Part Two Letters, Memos, and Email 159</p>
<p>Chapter 6 Formats and Techniques for Business Letters 163</p>
<p>Chapter 7 Saying Yes and No in Correspondence 191</p>
<p>Chapter 8 Persuasive Messages 226</p>
<p>Chapter 9 Effective Memos and E–mail 251</p>
<p>Part Three Reports and Proposals 271</p>
<p>Chapter 10 Short and Long Reports 275</p>
<p>Chapter 11 Proposals and Business Plans 340</p>
<p>Chapter 12 Graphic Aids for Documents and Presentations 362</p>
<p>Part Four Career Communication 389</p>
<p>Chapter 13 The Career Search, Resumes, and Follow–up Communications 393</p>
<p>Chapter 14 Guidelines for Interviewees and Interviewers 433</p>
<p>Part Five Communication Issues for Management Success 447</p>
<p>Chapter 15 Managing Meetings and Telephone Work 451</p>
<p>Chapter 16 Ethics and Law for Management Communication 467</p>
<p>Chapter 17 Gender Communication 488</p>
<p>Chapter 18 Crisis Communication and Media Relations 500</p>
<p>Chapter 19 Communication for Intercultural Management 509</p>
<p>Appendix A Management Communication Cases 533</p>
<p>Appendix B Grammar, Punctuation, and Usage 565</p>
<p>Appendix C Documentation 574</p>
<p>Index 583</p>
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan