Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) gaat een grote verandering teweegbrengen in organisaties. Ieder bedrijf wil ‘iets’ met AI, maar weet niet precies wat en waar te beginnen.
This book examines enterprise risk management in the fourth industrial revolution, and the technologies associated with this phenomenon. In doing so, it seeks to understand these technologies' potential capabilities, and how they could be utilised in the enterprise risk management setting. Meer
This book explores how digital technologies can be used to drive sustainable business practices and achieve long-term business success. It offers insights and practical strategies and guidance that can help businesses adapt to the digital age, optimize their operations, and create new opportunities for growth. Meer
This book brings together selected papers from the Fourth International Conference on Research in Management and Technovation held in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2023, with a focus on defining action-based plans around innovation and technology as tools for societal and organizational advancement. Meer
This book demonstrates why and how social activism targeting companies can produce unintended consequences. While it is challenging for social movement organizations (SMOs) to successfully change corporate behavior, it is even more difficult or impossible for SMOs to control the spillover effects of success. Meer
In today's business landscape, software engineering teams must deliver innovation faster than ever. However, outdated management approaches centered on tools and metrics rather than people strangle velocity and creativity. Meer
Loonshots reveals a surprising new way of thinking about the mysteries of group behavior that challenges everything we thought we knew about nurturing radical breakthroughs. Meer
Stelt u zich een wereld voor zonder strategisch management. Vijftig jaar geleden leefden we in zo'n wereld. Zeker, bedrijven maakten wel plannen, maar begrepen nog weinig van onderliggende factoren als concurrentie, kosten en klanten. Meer
Howard Schultz vertelt het verhaal van Starbucks, waarbij hij de principes illustreert waardoor het bedrijf nog steeds bestaat, zoals "Don't be threatened by people smarter than you," "Compromise anything but your core values," "Seek to renew yourself even when you are hitting home runs," en heel eenvoudig, "Everything matters. Meer
Is Silence Killing Your Strategy?In his thirty years of working in corporations, Harvard Business School professor Michael Beer has witnessed firsthand how organizational silence derails strategic objectives. Meer