Jaap Boonstra is hoogleraar ‘Organisatiedynamiek’ aan Esade Business School in Barcelona, hoogleraar ‘Organisatieverandering’ aan de Rotterdam School of Management, en kerndocent bij de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur. Als onafhankelijk adviseur ondersteunt hij organisaties in hun ontwikkeling. Hij schreef meerdere boeken over organisatieverandering, organisatiecultuur en leiderschap.
Meer over de auteursIntervening and Changing
Looking for Meaning in Interactions
Gebonden Engels 2007 9780470512012Samenvatting
Presenting new thinking in organizational psychology from the Netherlands,
Intervening and Changing is a guide to applying global thinking and democratic values to achieve innovation. Expertly steered by Jaap Boonstra and Leon de Caluwe, it explores tensions and paradoxes in the field of organizational change and presents interventions based in social interaction theory. Its vision is of people collaborating, making sense of their work and living situations and developing collaborative action for breakthrough innovation will be a source of inspiration for any manager, consultant or change agent.
Over Léon de Caluwé
About the Contributors.
Part One: Introduction and Theoretical Position.
1 Intervening and changing.
Looking for meaning in interactions.
Jaap J. Boonstra en Léon de Caluwé.
2 Methodology of the evidential.
Research and sense giving in processes of organizational development.
Adriaan Bekman.
Part Two: Telling Stories and Investigation Realties.
3 Storytelling as interactive intervention.
Applying the narrative approach in organizational change.
François Breuer.
4 Working with stories.
Narrative and dialogue as methods for learning, understanding and practice improvement.
Tineke Abma.
Part Three: Investigating History and Making History.
5 Learning histories in learning and change projects.
Making history with a passion.
Gerhard Smid in discussion with Godfried den Boer, Vittorio Busato, Liesbeth Halbertsma and Tonnie van der Zouwen.
6 Making History Together.
The Learning–history method in theory and practice.
Leen van Driel.
Part Four: Appreciation Inquiry and Realizing Innovations.
7 Future Search.
Inspiring, discovering, learning, seeing, imagining and doing combined.
Gemma van der Ploeg and Annemieke Stoppelenburg.
8 An organizational change project based on an appreciative approach.
A large group intervention in a chemical company.
Luk Dewulf and Luc Verheijen.
9 Learning and changing in an open space.
The dynamics of and in an open space event.
Carla Vliex.
Part Five: Looking for Patterns and Possibilities for Innovation.
10 Working interactively with causal loop diagrams.
Intervention choices and paradoxes in practical applications.
Hans Vermaak.
11 Intervening in processes of sensemaking.
A method for breaking through the closeness of organizational processes.
Hans de Sonnaville.
12 Interaction at work.
Interactive interventions in social interactions.
Dick van Ginkel and Mariëtte Thijssen.
Part Six: Learning to Reflect and Change.
13 Organizing in–dept learning.
Change as reflective sensemaking.
Brechtje Kessener and Katrien Termeer.
14 Methodology for increasing collective competence.
A context for co–creative change.
André Wierdsma.
15 Shaping a learning process and realizing change.
Reflection, interaction and cooperation through survey feedback.
Kilian Bennebroek Gravenhorst.
Part Seven: Reflecting on Acting and the Pursuit of Beauty.
16 Free conduct as a method of intervention.
Void leadership isn t leading anywhere .
Julien Haffmans.
17 Aesthetics in work processes in organizations.
A perspective for intervention.
Mathieu Weggeman and Irene Lammers.
Part Eight: Critical Reflection and a Look Ahead.
18 Intervention through interaction.
A comparative review.
Jac Geurts, Jurriaan Altena and Bart Geluk.
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan