Drs. Martin J.M. Thoolen heeft ruim dertig jaar professionele ervaring als inspirator van persoonlijk en collectief leiderschap, als senior coach/trainer en psycholoog. Hij heeft daarbij vele managers, professionals, bestuurders, ondernemers, directeuren en medewerkers begeleid bij hun persoonlijke ontwikkeling en professionele effectiviteit.
Meer over Martin ThoolenSpirited Personal Leadership
for effective work, meaningful living and a better world
Paperback Engels 2023 1e druk 9789090368023Samenvatting
Do you want to work more effectively? Or live a more meaningful life? Or contribute
to a better world? Or all of the above? You can do that. Every day. How? With Spirited Personal Leadership.
This book is intended for anyone who, in their private or work life, wants to:
• work more effectively;
• develop their talents further;
• have a healthy work/life balance;
• increase the amount of control they have in their own life and work;
• experience more pleasure, passion, meaning and vitality;
• feel more inner peace and quiet;
• to contribute to better relationships - privately as well as in business;
• make a meaningful contribution to a better world.
Regardless of whether you are a leader, lawmaker, entrepreneur, manager, professional, associate, student, parent, family member, teenager or an adult.
What to expect?
This book will take you straight to the source and the three forces that determine all of your choices, behaviors and personal leadership, namely: ego, soul and consciousness (spirit). It will give you accessible insights, inspiring examples and exercises that you'll be able to apply immediately. You will see results quickly, helping you work more effectively, live more meaningfully and contribute to a better world.
The following questions will be answered: What is ego anyway? Should you jettison your ego? What are the benefits of ego, and what are its pitfalls? Or, what is thesoul? Is there a reason for our existence? What are the five existential tasks the soul has to tackle? What are the pros and cons of working and living from inspiration? And, what is spirit or consciousness? How can you utilize it more to have smoother relationships in private and at work and to create more peace for yourself and others around you? In the last section of the book you will see how you can make a real contribution towards a better world.
Part 1: The power of Spirited Personal Leadership 12
1. The key to effective work, meaningful living, and a better world 14
2. The three universal forces that determine your personal leadership 24
2.1. Ego – “I” as friend and foe 26
2.2. Soul – Your “true self” 57
2.3. Spirit – Universal consciousness 81
2.4. Casting a light on confusion between ego, soul and spirit 101
Part 2: Practicing Spirited Personal Leadership 106
3. Personal Ego-Leadership 110
3.1. Too little and too much ego 111
3.2. “Manage” your ego 136
3.3. Summary of Personal Ego-Leadership 184
4. Personal Soulful Leadership 186
4.1. Soulless or a Soul Out Of Control 188
4.2. Activate and dose your soul 198
4.3. Summary of Personal Soulful Leadership 246
5. Personal Spirited Leadership 248
5.1. Enrich your work and your life with more inspiration 249
5.2. Summary of Personal Spirited Leadership 294
Part 3: Creating a Better World 296
6. Creating a better world 298
6.1. Vision of a better world 299
6.2. Your contribution to a better world 301
6.3. Dealing with pitfalls 306
6.4. Supporters for your career and life path 316
6.5. Transition to a better world 318
6.6. Summary of Creating a Better World 324
Appendix: Overview of Spirited Personal Leadership 326
Acknowledgements 331
Sources 332
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan