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Law and Morality Revisited

E-book Pdf met watermerkbeveiliging Engels 2024 1e druk 9789400114531
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The contributions to this edited volume explore, from various perspectives, the relationship between law and morality.

The authors analyze specific issues in the domains of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, constitutionalism, the universality of human rights, animal rights, democracy and terrorism. What unites them is their search for an answer to the question of what values such as justice, fairness, and respect for human rights might mean. The focus on said domains ensures the societal relevance of the discussions.

At the same time, they are, while affording the necessary profundity to do justice to the complexity of the themes, written in such a way that they are accessible to non-specialists. The inquiries aim at providing insight into topical debates whose relevance also extends beyond the confines of those debates.


Aantal pagina's:476


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Over Afshin Ellian

Afshin Ellian is hoogleraar Encyclopedie van de rechtswetenschap en wetenschappelijk directeur van het Instituut voor Metajuridica aan de rechtenfaculteit van de Universiteit Leiden.

Andere boeken door Afshin Ellian

Over Gelijn Molier

Gelijn Molier is als universitair docent verbonden aan de vakgroep Encyclopedie en Rechtsfilosofie van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden. Hij doet onderzoek naar (de rechtstheoretische grondslagen) van het recht van vrede en veiligheid, in het bijzonder het gebruik van geweld in de internationale betrekkingen, mensenrechten en het recht der Verenigde Naties.

Andere boeken door Gelijn Molier


1 Introduction
2 Law and Morality: Freedom of Expression
3 Hate speech, tolerance and constitutional development
4 Using moral intuitions to restrict free speech is dangerous
5 Law, Morality, and Free Speech
6 Moderate moderation
7 Law and morality: the case of blasphemy
8 Liberalism’s Other Paradox
9 Freedom of Religion in Europe: The Strasbourg Court’s Dubious Jurisprudence
10 Religious Freedom: An Unjustifiable Constitutional Right?
11 The desire for citizenship of the promised city
12 As the greater strives to include the lesser: is (morality to law) like (secularism to freedom of religion)?
13 Law, Morality, and Religion: A Legal-Historical Analysis of the Universal Declaration and Contemporary Discourse
14 Militant constitutionalism as a remedy against backsliding?
15 Constitutional Review in the Netherlands: The Government’s Proposal for Reform Evaluated
16 The state of Western constitutionalism: An alternative problem analysis and solution direction
17 The Fragile Balance: The Precarious Role of the Supreme Court
18 It is morality all the way down: why liberal states warrant not all fundamental rights equally or even for everyone
19 Universal or parochial human rights: meandering through law, reason and morality
20 Compassion at the Center of the Study of Law: Making Sense of Human Rights via the Jurisprudence of Schopenhauer, Cohen and Kelsen
21 Philosophy of romantic decline
22 Equality, the enemy of liberty
23 Animal Advocacy and the Power of Law: Critical Reflections on Animal Rights Theory and the Anthropomorphic Hegemony of Subjectivity
24 Correcting two thousand years of moral error
25 The Polemic Nature of Morality
26 Reflections on Ius Naturale in a democracy
27 Militant democracy, hate speech and ‘inciting intolerance’: politician Geert Wilders before the Supreme Court in the Netherlands
28 Morality In Counterterrorism: An Oxymoron?

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        Law and Morality Revisited