Manager product creation, trainer, coach, auteur van 'De complete projectmanager'
Meer over Roel WesselsThe Complete Project Manager
The essence and application of project management and Agile leadership
E-book Epub met watermerkbeveiliging Engels 2019 1e druk 9789401804028Samenvatting
This book is about the how of project management and about how you as a project manager can use a proactive attitude to stay in control, even during difficult situations. It shows you how to become an influencer of the path to the end result, of your environment, of your team and of your effectiveness.
Today’s project managers have to meet high expectations. Challenging goals, a strong focus on cost management and lead times, serving the interests of different stakeholders and many dependencies between subprojects make project management an increasingly complex affair – especially in an environment where change and uncertainty have become the new norm. In addition, the creative abilities of knowledge workers have to be optimally utilised, which requires less hierarchical organisational structures and more multidisciplinary collaboration. Having the right project management skills is therefore essential at virtually every level of an organisation.
As a result of these challenges, there is a growing demand for comprehensive methods and the popularity of Agile is on the rise. On the other hand, the increased complexity also results in a need for simplicity. That is what this book is about: going back to the basics, being able to combine useful elements from different methods and focusing on the most important aspect of all: the person behind the project manager!
This book contains a wealth of practical descriptions with useful examples and anecdotes. Readers are constantly stimulated to internalise the essence and put it into practice in a manner that suits their own style and personality. That is the only way to keep at it, be successful and make others believe in you!
The book consists of three parts.
Part 1 (chapters 1 to 4) describes how to set up and manage a project. The focus is on the basic principles, the essence of taking control, creating structure and using Agile behavior.
Part 2 (chapters 5 and 6) explains how to draw up a plan and schedule in small steps, which results in improved completeness, coordination and support.
Finally, part 3 (chapters 7 to 10) covers how to manage the project execution: how to realize the path to the final goal with a strict PDCA rhythm, how to evaluate the quality of interim results and how to keep your team and environment motivated.
1 The &-&-&-paradox 1
1.1 More with less 2
1.2 Monitoring things closely and giving plenty of space 4
1.3 Recognizing uncertainty and making a commitment 8
1.4 A project model as a support tool 14
1.5 Agile thinking and working 18
1.6 What does the &-&-&-paradox mean for project managers? 24
2 Your Agile inspirator, the TomTom 29
2.1 What you can learn from your TomTom GPS navigation system 29
2.2 The TomTom and Agile leadership 34
2.3 The TomTom and stakeholder management 37
2.4 Scenario creator 46
3 First time right: The V-model and the critical parameter 51
3.1 Introduction to the V-model: design, realization, verification 52
3.2 Understanding the impact of issues 54
3.3 Early feedback with Design for X 58
3.4 Early feedback with Agile development 63
3.5 The V-model and your own behavior 66
4 The factor 10 73
4.1 Smart leadership and behavior is the factor 10 73
4.2 Flip-thinking and the power of action 76
4.3 Stephen Covey’s treasury 80
4.4 Situational leadership 86
4.5 The project manager’s factor 10 93
5 The plan part I: project breakdown 97
5.1 The ten steps of making a plan 97
5.2 Step 1: Project charter 101
5.3 Step 2: Project strategy and phasing 103
5.4 Steps 3.1 and 3.2: Product breakdown structure 105
5.5 Building a roller coaster 112
5.6 Steps 3.3 to 3.5: Product Flow Diagram and DfX 119
5.7 Step 3.6: Work breakdown structure 122
6 The plan part II: sketch with the team and detailed plan 127
6.1 Step 4: Size & effort estimation 128
6.2 The rational and psychological sides of hour estimates 137
6.3 Steps 5 to 8: Drawing up the sketch with the team 142
6.4 Step 9: Tips & tricks for the detailed plan 147
6.5 Step 10: Project management plan and go 156
7 The project motivator 159
7.1 Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory 159
7.2 You reap what you sow 162
7.3 The (temporary) project organization and the project board 168
7.4 Why the start requires perseverance 172
7.5 Directing creativity 175
8 Heartbeat 183
8.1 Progress through rhythm, cadence and trance 183
8.2 Projecting your plan onto the heartbeat 186
8.3 Heartbeat at different levels 191
8.4 EOS and OKR 193
9 The blind check 199
9.1 Beware of the blind check 200
9.2 Tackling the blind check with review and inspection techniques 201
9.3 Tackling the blind check with DfX and Agile project management 206
9.4 Testing on the right side of the V-model 210
10 The Final Countdown 215
10.1 Summarizing the path to the execution phase 216
10.2 Heartbeat in practice 219
10.3 Change management 233
10.4 Providing insight into status and remaining path 238
10.5 Making uncertainties plannable 247
Afterword 253
Acknowledgements 255
Appendix 1: Examples of the application of the project model 256
Appendix 2: The complete project manager toolkit 258
Bibliography 259
About Roel Wessels 261
Index 263
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan