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Margreet Oostenbrink heeft meer dan 25 jaar ervaring als manager en directeur bij grotere bedrijven. Vanuit haar bedrijven Movinc en Flow2Move vervult ze deze rollen tegenwoordig op interimbasis, aangevuld met coaching en training. Door organisaties systemisch te laten kijken brengt ze wat verborgen is aan de oppervlakte waardoor er eindelijk echt impact gemaakt kan worden.
Meer over Margreet OostenbrinkSounds familiar?
• You want to make a difference, but intangible forces seem to be working against you;
• New initiatives always seem to be trumped by established procedures;
• All-too-quickly you find yourself once again doing what you were so determined not to do;
• The fact that nothing ever really changes in the organisation makes you despondent.
Systems form everywhere. You yourself are part of a system, but you can exert influence on it. Hidden away under the guise of organisational culture, a large part of a system remains invisible. So which system lurks beneath the surface in your working context? And which hidden connections, influences and emotions are playing their respective roles in it?
Having a systemic way of looking at and revealing hidden connections are essential aspects in effecting change. They throw light on what prefers to stay in the dark. Seeing things in a systemic way divulges what’s going on below the surface. It will enable you to exploit a situation, as opposed to making the same mistake over and over again. And that’s how you can really make a difference.
Inspired by heavyweight thinkers from the worlds of psychology and organisational science, along with many years of practical experience, Hidden Connections will encourage you to take a systemic look at things. Examples taken from everyday work situations and practical drills will help you understand and recognise the underlying connections. You will also understand your own connections and how they affect others. A systemic look will give you insight into new dimensions. Dimensions that have always been there, but that you were thus far unable to see. And irrespective of whether you are a manager, director or other type of professional, the knowledge you will acquire will enable you to make all the difference.
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